Do you think we could have a rest after the Fashion Week? Not at all! Because we had to follow through with one more project in cooperation with NIKE! And it was a great event!
You all probably know Odivi and NobodyListen created a new collection. This collection was officially presented during MBPFW. But did you know that we did not just “put together a few shirts”, but designed our own Air Max sneakers???
It is so! We had the opportunity to do it by ourselves and we liked it! And the best part was that we could share it with you guys right on Wenceslas Square! Police banned it before it started, but it did not deter us. We built a stand, we exposed shoes and it was all accompanied by NobodyListen’s music. It was awesome, it was fun and you guys who came to visit us gave us a lot of energy to continue in what we do and what we love! For those who missed it we have some pictures!
Thanks to everyone who came to support us!
Text: Veronika Kučerová
Photo: Michal Kubala